Luis E. Coronado Guel

Luis E. Coronado Guel

Research Associate

Luis E. Coronado Guel is the Director of SBS Mexico Initiatives and Adjunct Professor in the Department of History at the University of Arizona. He holds a doctorate in Latin American History. He received a bachelor’s degree in law from the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí and a master’s degree in history from El Colegio de San Luis. His research interests include the cultural and intellectual history of nineteenth and twentieth-century Mexico, specifically, its nation-state building processes by analyzing patriotic celebrations and public rituals. He is also interested in the history of mass media and technology's development in Mexico as a result of the 1910 Cultural Revolution. His first book, La Alameda Potosina ante la llegada del ferrocarril (2009, 2015) is an intellectual and cultural history on the impact the railway had in the region of San Luis Potosí. Coronado’s teaching experience includes a variety of survey, upper-level, and graduate courses in Mexico and the United States in the fields of history, law, Mexican American Studies, and Latin American Studies, both in English and Spanish. Besides cultural and intellectual history, he has worked extensively on themes related to law and society combined with a focus on popular culture. His research interests also include the cultural dimensions of transnational migration and interdisciplinary approaches to the concept of border. He has published articles, books, and book chapters in Spanish related to Mexican history, law, historiography, legal philosophy, film studies, and cultural heritage studies. His current research and public scholarship focus on the shared popular culture and heritages between Mexico and the U.S.A. His current projects combine an interest in binational and transnational dimensions of cultural heritage, public history, popular culture, and historical preservation. In 2017 he established a binational interdisciplinary collaborative project called “On the Edge: Expressions of Shared Heritages through Bounding Spaces.” Through this binational collaboration, the group has organized symposia and workshops on related topics in 2018, 2019, and 2021. This work has resulted in the recent publication of a book titled Patrimonio Efimero, Memorias, Cultura Popular, y Vida Cotidiana [Ephemeral Heritage, Memories, Popular Culture, and Everyday Life] (San Luis Potosi, Mexico: Colsan, 2021).


Selected Publications

Coronado Guel, Luis Edgardo, La Alameda potosina ante la llegada del ferrocarril. Espacio, poder e institucionalización de la ciudadanía moderna en San Luis Potosí, 1878 – 1890. S.L.P, Editorial Ponciano Arriaga- Gobierno del Estado de San Luis Potosi, 2009, 2015.

Paisajes culturales y patrimonio en el Centro Norte de Mexico, siglos XVII al XX, Edited by Carlos Ruiz Medrano, Carlos Alberto Roque and Luis E. Coronado Guel.  San Luis Potosi Mexico, Colsan, 2014.

Coronado Guel, Luis Edgardo. “Civilization Ends Where Grilled Steak Begins: Cultural Representations of the Sonora-Arizona Border in Film” in Martinez-Zalce, Graciela & Monica Verea eds., Migration and Borders in North America Views from the 21st Century, México: CISAN, UNAM, 2021. ISBN 978-607-30-5206-1

Coronado Guel, Luis Edgardo. “Patrimonio efímero en imágenes más allá de las fronteras: México como nación ideal en el lenguaje fílmico de Emilio Fernández,” [Ephemeral Heritage beyond the Borders: Mexico as ideal Nation in the Filmic Language of Emilio Fernandez]in Jennifer L. Jenkins and Adriana Corral Bustos, eds., Patrimonio Efimero, Memorias, Cultura Popular y Vida Cotidiana, San Luis Potosí, México: El Colegio de San Luis, 2021. (E-Book).