New Book: Natural Landmarks of Arizona, by David Yetman

New Book: Natural Landmarks of Arizona, by David Yetman

April 5, 2021
Natural Landmarks of Arizona - David Yetman


The Southwest Center is happy to announce the latest addition to its Book Series from University of Arizona Press, another contribution from David Yetman to a better understanding of the region's natural wonders.

We love everythihg David writes so it's difficult for us to be objective. This is what others have to say about this work:

“In David Yetman’s observant eyes, mountains are much more than random piles of rock. They are the visible record of a dramatic geological past and towering monuments that anchor us to the landscape and bestow beauty and meaning on our lives. Read and learn.”—Bruce Dinges, co-editor of America’s Most Alarming Writer: Essays on the Life and Work of Charles Bowden

“David Yetman’s Natural Landmarks of Arizona is one man’s recollection of cherished landmarks accumulated over a lifetime of roaming the southwestern United States. Yetman inspires readers to revisit some of Arizona’s iconic landscapes with fresh eyes and a renewed interest in the processes that shape the mountains, canyons, valleys, and volcanoes of Arizona. It will make a welcome addition to the libraries of those who admire the beauty of Arizona’s multifarious terrain—from northeastern Arizona’s Navajo Mountain laccolith to the sunbaked, barren Kofa Mountains near Yuma, Arizona.”—Michael Conway, geologist.

More details and a link to purchase the book on the University of Arizona Press website.