
Thrusday, February 15, 10.00 am AZ Time (GMT -7)
Free, Online - Registration needed
Register HERE
AHRC-NEH Indigenous explores transatlantic relationship-building between cultural heritage institutions in the UK and Indigenous partners in the USA.
The first phase of this project ran from 2022-2023 and was a collaboration between Wellcome Collection in London and Diné College on the Navajo Nation. It explored the value of knowledge sharing and how we can create a more open approach to collaboration, whilst implementing cultural Protocols.
Following this, it looks to form a transatlantic working group made up of Indigenous GLAM professionals, UK GLAM professionals, and Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars interested in Indigenous Knowledge protocols, data sovereignty, and digital archives and catalogues.
There will be four workshops over the coming months. These will explore relationship building, Indigenous research ethics, Protocols, data sovereignty, and developing digitally curated collections through the CMS platform Mukurtu.
We want this to be an opportunity to network with our peers to discuss the barriers, complexities, and challenges of carrying out the meaningful work of caring for Indigenous North American collections and the cultural heritage of Indigenous stakeholders . You don't need to be an expert in this field to join us, everyone is welcome.
At this first workshop, we are delighted that Peter Runge, Head of Special Collections & Archives from the Cline Library at Northern Arizona University will be joining us, along with Tanja Hoffman from the University of York.
Please RSVP on the Eventbrite page and the Zoom link will be sent to you. If you have any questions please email Sarah French (Research Assistant, University of York) sarah.french@york.ac.uk.
Additional workshops will be held on:
Thursday 21 March, 4-5.30pm
Thursday 18 April, 4-5.30pm
Thursday 16 May, 4-5.30pm*
*this timing allows for the time difference but we understand if you cannot attend for the full session, feel free to join us when or as long as you can.
We hope to see you there!
AHRC-NEH Indigenous Team
Prof Jennifer Jenkins (University of Arizona), Prof David Stirrup (University of York, previously University of Kent), Rhiannon Sorrell (Diné College), Sarah French (University of York).